PLEASE NOTE: there is a major difference between the scale with which modern movies are being judged and the "classics scale" with which the...well...good ones are being judged.

*******SPOILERS BELOW*******

bull durham (shelton, 1988)

a personal favorite, so not too much to say besides that it holds up every time and gets me every time. a near perfect rom com, an absolutely perfect sports movie.


toy story 3 (unkrich, 2010)

seriously, pixar? seriously? please stop embarrassing everyone else.

utterly brilliant. a kids movie that makes me wrestle with the idea of accepting death? jesus god damn christ.

and that short better win the oscar. (talk about lens debates, though--i could have a media studies field day with this.)


get him to the greek (stoller, 2010)

i remember getting a message from anna in 2006/7 when she was abroad in france, and she asked me what was new in america. i told her she was never going to believe it: you know that show freaks and geeks? THOSE GUYS took over comedy! they're the popular comedy team right now! FREAKS AND MOTHAFEKKIN GEEKS! the world would never be the same. sure, FaG had that whole fieg thing going on, and undeclared was noticeably less wonderful, but it was still one of the best shows ever to exist on television--just slightly more commercial than FaG on the short term. and then knocked up came out, and it was like undeclared the tv show--seriously! like--dead on! hysterical, heartfelt, and commercial. but heartfelt. heartfelt. i can't stress that enough.

with get him to the greek, the apatow crew has officially jumped the shark. it is a spinoff of one of their best movies, but it misses the mark completely. no heart, no soul, no originality. and the jokes weren't all that funny, either.


shrek forever after (mitchell, 2010)

fun, 3d, but i can't stand movies or tv shows that make you yell at the lead for being dumb and missing easy outs constantly.


exit through the gift shop (banksy, 2010)

it really doesn't matter if this is a hoax or not. either way, the message is the same, and the film is thoroughly entertaining.


my own private idaho (van sant, 1991)

river phoenix is amazing. ...i just don't like gus van sant. although this was much better than most of his stuff i've seen (which is limited, but includes gerry, elephant, and good will hunting, among others).

modern classics: 4.5/10

inside man (lee, 2006)

i forgot how good this one is, even if some of the strings don't fully tie together (mostly: oldest person in car at the end, main old na-zee dude).


the last song (robinson, 2010)

if you know me, you know that i'm not just saying this to say it: miley is a horrific actress. this movie would have been okay if i believed she felt a single thing she said.


edge of darkness (campbell, 2010)

better than it should have been given the mini-series. best part by far was mel gibson saying (paraphrasing), "would you rather be on the cross, or hammering in the nails?"


a serious man (coen, 2009)

watching this half squished on a plane and half a week later in my dad's office probably isn't the best way to see any movie, but still classic coen. very clever, very well made.
